7 Reasons Why to Choose DevOps Development Services over Agile Development!
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Project Manager
16 Oct

DevOps Development Services


The development of software nowadays is very competitive, which leads to constant searching for better workable methodologies by businesses to reduce processes, increase productivity, and enhance the quality of the end products. DevOps and Agile are two of the commonly accepted methodologies. Both confirmed their value by providing the means to deliver software faster and improve teamwork within the teams. However, as the technology is developing rapidly, it has become quite prominent to discuss which approach should be taken – DevOps or Agile.

Agile uses a cross-functional team approach that works in stages to complete a project. DevOps takes this a step further by combining development and operations teams for the purpose of continuous delivery and automation. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and deciding to adopt either one would depend on the particular needs of the project or organization.

The recent shift in focus from Agile to DevOps development services has created many thoughts and doubts in people’s minds. The reasons for this shift outline their differences and ways in which DevOps helps overcome some of the shortcomings of Agile in modern software development.

Understanding DevOps and Agile! 

Before diving into why DevOps is often chosen over Agile,  it is important to understand the basics of both methodologies. They have the same end goal of enhancing Software Development processes however, they differ in methods and areas of focus.

Agile: Agile is a software development methodology that is oriented on change, continuous customer communication, and incremental development. It means working on projects rolled out in sprints, or small worked-out pieces of work, which makes it easy to meet new changes in requirements. Agile promotes teamwork among the developers, testers, and business people in a way that they come together regularly to discuss the progression of the development of the product according to the expectations of the user.

DevOps: DevOps views itself to be a culture that blurs the lines between development and operations. It lays its focus on everything being automated together with CI and CD. Thanks to these tools and techniques, staging failures cannot happen because DevOps guarantees that the code is always in a deployable state and that the applications are usable and can scale evenly.

Taking into account what makes customers happy, Agile seeks to eliminate the distance between customers and development teams. DevOps takes this one step further by integrating operations into the equation. This integration helps businesses to deploy code faster and more reliably, with fewer bugs and allows for more effective scaling.

These two strategies have been developed with the aim of developing good-quality software. However, the areas they concentrate on are different. For instance, Agile seeks to meet the customer’s needs by providing services quickly. On the other hand, DevOps focuses on the importance of practice and teamwork in preventing normal operations from breaking down.

Similarities & Differences Between Both! 

While both DevOps and Agile aim for continuous improvement, their approaches differ significantly.

Some of the similarities between Agile and DevOps are as follows:

  • Both methodologies emphasize collaboration between teams. Agile encourages interaction between functional teams (development, testing, business) whereas DevOps scope of communication also includes operational teams.
  • Both promote incremental changes and the constant evolution of processes to improve the end product.
  • It is the ultimate objective of both Agile and DevOps to release software in the shortest time possible, with the exception of the approaches employed.

Let’s see the differences in both of them:

  • Primarily, Agile seeks to enhance the development cycle by encouraging the decomposition of activities into smaller bits to promote teamwork and flexibility. On the contrary, DevOps integrates the development and operational aspects, emphasizing the entire life cycle of software from its conception to its deployment and even support.
  • To encourage rapid integration and deployment of codes, DevOps places significant emphasis on the use of automation tools, which aids in speeding up deployment and lessening human error rates. There is a culture of teamwork in Agile but high regard is not given towards the use of machinery in the process.
  • Agile's ultimate goal is customer satisfaction through regular, quick releases. In contrast, DevOps focuses on streamlining the entire software lifecycle for faster and more reliable releases.

Reasons to Choose DevOps Development Services Over Agile: 


End-to-End Automation: 

There is a greater emphasis on the use of automation in DevOps more than in Agile. In the case of DevOps, the whole software lifecycle is automated, right from code integration, testing, and deployment. Such measures help eliminate the chances of human error and quicken the time-to-market hence allowing businesses to do more frequent and reliable software releases.

Reduced Business Market time: 

DevOps also enables much faster and more frequent releases than Agile does. In the case of CI/CD having been successfully implemented in the organization, an update or new feature can easily be deployed in production in a few minutes to a few hours. The ability to implement such updates in production is essential in sectors that are very competitive and reward being the fastest to introduce new products.

Improved Collaboration Across Teams: 

Agile methodologies concentrate on team member cooperation, mostly of that given within project teams. However, the challenge of inter-project communications between the developers and the operations does not lie in their core principle. Here, DevOps steps in as a discipline that promotes the communication and coordination between the two departments thus simplifying processes and reducing downtime during deployment.

Continuous Monitoring and Feedback: 

DevOps emphasizes real-time monitoring of the application in production, allowing teams to catch issues before they become critical. This loop enables the performance of the system to be tuned in preventing abnormal conditions of the system that would necessitate downtimes, a capability that is lacking in Agile. 

Much Scalable than Agile: 

Organizations progress with stages over a period of time bringing the need for scalable and dependable software to the forefront. This is attributed to the fact that DevOps entails DevOps automated processes, IAC, and extensive monitoring which makes it easy to operate on large-scale applications. Agile is effective for limited-scope projects however in working in larger enterprises, Agile scaling might not be effective.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): 

The pillars of DevOps, the CI/CD pipelines make it possible for developers to routinely incorporate their changes into the codebase and instantly bring these changes into production. The deployment of the Agile process is motivated by scrum cycles which have more constraining capabilities which leads to delayed deployment of software especially large-scale systems where the source code is complex.

Improved Security: 

DevOps is based on the philosophy that security is applied throughout the software development lifecycle (SDL) from inception and is called ’security as code is everyone’s job’. This ‘shift’ enables teams to detect flaws sooner and enhances the security of the application. In contrast, Agile methodology emphasizes more on delivering working systems quickly and has less emphasis on security concerns.

Case Studies: 

Several businesses have transformed their operational processes from Agile to DevOps, and the results have been remarkable.

Netflix: As one of the leaders in the field of DevOps, Netflix incorporated a transition to develop operations due to increasing needs for scaling. This growth strategy worked well for Netflix, which was able to provide streaming services to millions without any outages. With the help of automated processes and CI/CD, Netflix was able to deploy applications quicker and more frequently without losing stability.

Amazon: Amazon, known for its rapid innovation, adopted DevOps to streamline its release cycles. Moving from an Agile model to DevOps enabled Amazon to release software updates every 11.7 seconds, making it a leader in continuous delivery. DevOps allowed Amazon to handle vast amounts of traffic without compromising performance, something that would have been difficult to manage with Agile alone.


While Agile remains the revolutionary software development methodology, the increasing demand for faster, scalable, and reliable software has made DevOps Development Services the preferred choice for many businesses. In this cut-throat competition world being around the corners is not enough, choose DevOps and ensure your business not only delivers quality software but does so in a way that is efficient, secure, and adaptable to the future needs of the business.

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